Government Institute for Film Acting In Pune
The cultural artifacts created by specific cultures are called films. The Universal Power of Communication is given by films reaching thousands of people across the globe. It’s an art of stimulating experiences to communicate. The communication is not just words, but also ideas, stories, perceptions and feelings. The world of theatre and cinemas keeps changing always and each actor needs to be up to date with the trend.
Design for the New Generation:
The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) was established by the Government of India in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The Film Enquiry Committee recommended the Government to start a Film Acting Institute for the aspiring actors and thus Film and Television Institute of India originated in the year 1960.
FTII has been designed for the new generation story tellers and for aspiring actors who are eager to perform. Students from all the walks of life are welcome.
Functions of the Institute:
The main functions of the institute are:
i. Imparting training in all aspects of film production.
ii. Certificate and Diploma courses are given to trainees with necessary educational qualification.
iii. To co-ordinate the activities for training of film technicians in India.
The Training Process:
Intensive training is provided to the students both theoretical and practical.
Characterization and Role Analysis: Characterization is a unity between the thought, expression and gesture. Role Analysis is the dramatic relationship of characterization.
Dialogue Delivery: The delivery of dialogues is just not words alone, but also an expression of emotions.
Voice Modulation: Voice culture exercises are provided.
Body Language: Body Language is very important for an actor.
Every student who is willing to take up acting as a career and the ones with passion for acting are welcome at Film Acting in Pune irrespective of their individual background.
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